If you're not sure which Little League your address falls under, please visit the Little League Finder : https://www.littleleague.org/play-little-league/league-finder/
Jackson Holbrook Little League has been able to work with our uniform, merchandising and fundraising partner, Pacer Sports, to enhance our “regular season” uniform ordering, confirmation and registration process all with NO increase to the TOTAL cost of registration.
Registration will be completed in TWO phases.
- Enter the appropriate player information, as normal. This is where you would, also, complete any Volunteer related information for those wishing to Manage, Coach, etc.
- Customized Numbers: When you begin registration, in addition to the regular registration related data that is required, you will be asked to input your player’s top three choices for the number (0-99) that they would like to appear on their jersey. At this point, you will also be asked to enter your players uniform sizes.
- In the event that multiple players, on the same team, select the same number, the team’s Manager will assign a secondary or tertiary number.
- After all of the pertinent information is collected, you will be prompted to make a payment. This payment amount is the same as last year MINUS $25 per player (all multiple player and family related discounts remain the same)
- Once your player has been assigned to a team [typically in early March, your Team Manager and/or the Division Player Agent will notify you to complete your registration along with a specific timeline for completion. At that time, you will visit www.JLLshops.com to make the final $25/per player registration payment.
Jackson Little League (JHLL) reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken at any event sponsored by JHLL, without the expressed written permission of those included within the photograph/video. To ensure the privacy of individuals and children, images will not be identified using full names or personal identifying information.